Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Indie King Makes Movies Too!!!

A serio-comedy about a do-well barfly, “Indie King” Steve Buscemi’s, Trees Lounge (1997), is an apologetic look at the petty feuds and uneventful existence of working-class people in a New York suburb. The film’s greatest virtue is Buscemi’s thorough knowledge of the characters because of the autobiographical nature of the story. Trees Lounge is a projection of what life might have been had Buscemi never left Valley Stream, Long Island, to pursue an acting career.

At age 31, Tommy (Buscemi) is a loser who is described by his own friends as a screw-up. Tommy is fired from his job as an auto mechanic after “borrowing” money without informing his boss. Tommy’s former girlfriend, who may or may not be pregnant with his child, has moved in with his angry former boss. Living in a tiny apartment above a bar, Tommy has no money to fix his car or to buy drinks. Further complicating life is Debbie, an adolescent with a crush on Tommy. Temptation overcomes Tommy, and after an ill-advised night together Debbie’s hotheaded father is infuriated.

Epitomizing the middle-class locale is the neighborhood bar, Trees Lounge, in which neither the décor nor the jukebox songs have changed in years. Spending his time hustling drinks and engaging in one-night stands, Tommy gets kicked out of the place for bad behavior. At a crossroads in the film, Tommy realizes that he is young enough to break out and make something of his life. If he doesn’t, he can see his future down at the other end of the bar, where the old salty dog regular, Bill, drinks himself to death.

Neither the comic nor the melodramatic elements are punched up and over done. Buscemi roots his film in characterization and acting, with the humor stemming directly from the characters. Without forcing a dramatic structure or an obvious climax, Buscemi conveys the dead-end nature of aimless lives. He refrains from giving his film the self-conscious hipness typical of the indie pictures in which he has so often appeared just as an actor.

Buscemi handles the material with casualness, so his characters are not caught up in a big dramatic crisis, but instead they get engulfed with petty quarrels. Trees Lounge boasts a cast of indie staples like Samuel L. Jackson, Mimi Rogers and Chloe Sevingy. Above all it’s Buscemi’s triumph as an actor that makes Tommy both pathetic and sympathetic. In the film Buscemi successfully transfers his cheerless character and sensibility to a bar that is a cave for losers. Trees Lounge shows how the young and restless Tommy struggles to distinguish himself from the drinking community. Despite its grim subject, the film is rambunctious. The drinkers are funny, each one of them with an ego to defend, and the film serves as a testimonial of the valor of failure.

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