Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grimy Grimes

Jack Grimes described in a very well written piece the (dare I say) ins and outs of college hooking-up. He explained very clearly that there is more to sexual promiscuity than just physical stimulation, but that individuals still seek and gain from sexual encounters a sense of powerful intimacy that affirms the person through what Grimes describes as "privileged access." He claims that aside from physical pleasure, college students seek the "consent of a partner," because it is the feeling of acceptance that lays at the heart of hooking-up. 

Grimes also states however that hooking-up is all about "holding back," meaning that the more sex you have promiscuously detaches you from sex, and lessens the pleasures that go along with it. He also continues on by targeting woman who commit serial hook-ups, and suggests that they are not liberating themselves, but instead are "in essence, an unpaid prostitute," who in result becomes a sex object for men. First of all, just because there is a hooking up culture in college, that does not mean that it is the practice of all students. Furthermore, Grimes overgeneralizes that most women, particularity in college, want a relationship to stem from a hook-up. That is often not the case. Also, just a woman is promiscuous that does not make her an object for everyone. Believe it or not, there are some males who do not believe in the "Stud vs. Slut" totem pole that makes every women an object of personal gain.

Grimes does a fine job describing the personal interest and acceptance related to hooking-up, but it is still a generalization. There are always exceptions to the rule. He describes one on one encounters, and sometimes, guess what, there more than just two consenting parties, sometimes lots more, and those instance cloud Grimes' argument a little.

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