Thursday, January 29, 2009
Help Me Wanda!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Grimy Grimes
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Josh Says I Have to Have Title
The Westboro Baptist church uses its hatred for homosexuals as a catalyst to hate everything they disagree with. Not only are they a disgustingly homophobic group, but also using elementary school logic they are also arbitrarily racist and have the traits of a cult rather than a church.
They despise all other religions, claiming that those of the Jewish faith are “nothing more than typical, impenitent sinners,” that Catholics are a “fag” church in which one third of Catholic priests are practicing homosexuals who according to Westboro Baptists Church suck the semen out of little boy’s testicles like vampires. Reverend Phelps, the leader of the hate group stated that the originator of the Islam faith, Mohammed was a “demon-possessed whoremonger and pedophile who contrived a 300 page work of satanic fiction, The Quran!”
The group allegedly attempts to distance itself from racism, but it is clear in their logic that no one is safe from hate. They have depicted an African American political leader as a gorilla with a Nazi swastika armband. The hatred they excrete towards homosexuals trickles down to every race, every religion, every American, and every nationality this world has to offer.
They are also commies. Seriously, they live communally, all sharing the same backyard and sharing homes. Totally commies, which I’m fine with, but I bet if they weren’t in denial and could realize the hypocrisy of that, they’d be pretty pissed at themselves and would probably have to start a website about hating themselves so much.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Bicycle Master Plan...BUWAHAHA!
In discussion of the BMP, Cycling enthusiasts find the implementing of such a plan a milestone in cycling history. Particularly, members of the Cascade Bicycling club are elated about the application of the BMP because it was their group that vigilantly created and amended the plan and put it in front of the local governments.
Similarly, the Seattle bike messenger community is also pleased with the plans according to blogs and comment sections on the Seattle PI website. Messengers have expressed that the crowded and bustling streets of downtown encroach on their ability to safely maneuver among cars and pedestrians in order to promptly deliver their packages. With the addition of bike lanes couriers hope that hazardous intersection collisions and tension between cyclists and motorists is eliminated.
Motorists however have argued that the introduction of expansive list of bikeways is a possible waste of taxpayer’s money since the population of bicycle riders in Seattle makes up only a small percentage of commuting traffic, and more money needs to go to other divisions of mass transit.
Also, others maintain that cyclists are far too reckless, and often don’t follow the basic rules of the road and therefore should not be granted additional roadway. These people advocate that cyclists should be required to have a license to ride their bike in the street, but since the state of Washington does not mandate that cyclists need a license, according to these individuals bike riders should not be in the streets. This equates then that cyclists should not be given shared lanes or additional bike lanes.
1) The Cascade Bicycle Club wrote an article describing the comprehensive layout of their proposed and later passed Bicycle Master Plan. The posting details the 450 miles of planned bike lane and widened lane expansion and also describes the clubs plans for bike education and safety in coalition with the city council. In the article the author also defines the multi-utility and use of extending cycling roadways and access within the city and lists favorable reasons of why their plan is advantageous to the city for everyone, not just cyclists.
2) The article written by the Cascade Bicycle club detailing the advance of cycling roadways and safety in the Seattle area is a great achievement not only for cyclists, but for the entire city. The advent of the BMP will encourage and possibly inspire exercise, support alternative modes of transportation, relieve congestion, keep the environment clean, decrease tension on the streets between cyclists and motorist, and above all keep the roads safe for cyclists. The number of new cyclists has increased strongly across the country in the past several years due to the price of gas and it is our government’s responsibility to acknowledge the augment of bike riders and ensure that citizens are safe on the roads.
3) It would appear that the real plan according the Cascade Bicycle Club and the BMP is to make driving a motor vehicle in the city harder, if not impossible. People drive cars all year round, whereas from what I can tell cyclists only stick to the fair weather months. This means that in Seattle, where it just so happens to obviously rain a lot, many people don’t commute on their bikes. This plan is not congestion relief and what we need is competent planning, not advocacy, which is all the Cascade Bicycle Club excretes.
4) The author of the article is unnamed, but obviously is a member in some caliber of the Cascade Bicycle Club and has written the article as a bicycle advocate detailing news about the biggest bicycle initiative to ever be passed in Washington State. Considering that the CBC was responsible for the creating and passing of the initiative, the article was basically a news feed explaining that the bike community can have hope for a safer and more eco-friendly city due the passing of the BMP. I am well aware of the Cascade Bicycling Club, and so I know that off hand, the author was going to be very passionate about the passing of the plan, so I of course needed to keep an open mind regarding the circumstances of spending X amount of dollars on additional bikeways.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Assignment #1
Michelle Obama DNC Analysis
Michelle clearly stated that there were needs in the country that have to be dealt with, such as ending the war in Iraq, building a stable and prosperous economy, developing an affordable health care system, and ensuring the greater education of every child from preschool to college. Lastly, she established a value system between her, Barack, and the American people. She spoke of dignity and respect in your actions and your words, and she implored the nation to realize the importance of every individual contribution to the country through service.